Venice, Florida
The competition for the crown of beauty queen of Florida’s cities is fierce, but there can be no denying that Venice is a top contender. Her charms are both varied and irresistible for people of all age groups. Each of her twenty-three thousand residents feel personal bonds with the magnetic attractions of Venice, and the city accommodates seasonal vacationers in hordes.

About the Community
The allure of Venice is unabashedly physical. The waters of the Gulf of Mexico seem to take on an especially ardent hue as they glide past the laced fronds of Venice, seemingly entranced by her carefree spirit of wild abandon. The Caspersen Beach stretches in to the horizon almost forever, and you feel bonds with the pre-historic sharks which have left their teeth buried in the sand. Other beaches in Sarasota County are not able to match even Venice’s plebian municipal beach for natural ambience, to say nothing of the boating and fishing joys at Nokomis Beach. Venice seems to have a secret way of keeping its beaches invitingly clean and neat, without any visible trappings of artificial intrusions.

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Marketing Gurus teach us that you have to be different to stand out in a crowd: they must have learnt this lesson for themselves when vacationing at Venice, for the place maintains a 19th century atmosphere that strikes you even as you step in to her regal presence for the first time. We have to give due credit to residents and the local community as well, because preservation of the old quarters of any urban and developing site is never easy. Fortunately for casual visitors, Venice has quite a collection of memorable retail stores where one can spend endless hours basking in caring service and collecting delightful artifacts.
Vicinity of Venice
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Children and gregarious adults need have no apprehensions of Venice’s ability to samba in tune with 21st century trends. Though she is an old lady by human standards, Venice is able to show off her dining and entertainment assets to those who are enticed by such temptations. Even the most hard-boiled fitness freaks are known to have slinked out of Venice with new pounds they cannot hide, after a holiday full of seafood and steak dining to last lifetimes.

Venice accommodates permanent and casual relationships without censure or judgment. Vacation homes match realty in quality, range and value options. The wealthy and the laity find places to match their needs, whether to settle down for a long time, or to enjoy the loving embrace for a short stand. One common factor though is that parting is always painful and put off until the last possible moment! However, you should not allow the reams of admirers to deter you-Venice will always have time for those who approach her.

God has blessed Venice with the climate of paradise, which the city leverages to best effect. It is always a good time to visit Venice, though your most stressed-out and emotionally sensitive times may be best from your own point of view! You can stay at your pleasure without ever feeling unwanted, and return forgiven for any flings you may have had with any upstart competitors of this eminent candidate for the throne of Florida.